The Huntsman: House of Tattoos offers a unique and personal tattoo experience in the heart of the Elmwood Village.
Choose a service to schedule
Den Tattoo Services
- Half Day - $50
Available Tuesday through Friday. These appointments are best for new projects, sleevework, back pieces, thigh tattoos and full forearms.
If you are scheduling more than one appointment to work on the same tattoo, please allow at least 3 weeks in between your sessions to allow for you tattoo to heal.
Be sure to Venmo Den $50 to @dallastattoos when booking or you will forfeit your appointment. - Two Hour Session - $50
Available Saturday only. Best for clients who want something smaller done including script or something about the size of a dollar bill. Also a good option if you know you cannot sit for a long period of time.
Be sure to Venmo Den $50 to @dallastattoos when booking or you will forfeit your appointment.
Ashley Tattoo Services
- Half Day
Available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This is for any tattoo session under 4 hours. This is for new tattoos or ongoing projects. If you are scheduling more than one appointment to work on the same tattoo, please allow at least 3 weeks in between your sessions to allow for you tattoo to heal. My half day minimum is $200. Contact Ashley directly if you have more than one person in your party at art.ashleykay@gmail.com
- Mural Consultation - $50
This is a consultation for anyone interested in booking a mural project with Ashley, but feel they need to discuss their ideas with Ashley directly.. During this in-person mural consultation we will discuss your mural ideas, mural pricing, and scheduling at my studio space at the Huntsman. Please bring photographs of the wall you would like painted and the size of your wall to your appointment (width x height). Please keep in mind that my mural minimum is $2500 for commercial projects and $1000 for residential projects before booking.
This consultation appointment does not guarantee a mural booking. There is a non- refundable $50 fee for this in-person consultation. If we agree to a mural booking this $50 fee will be deducted from your final mural price.
Kenny Tattoo Services
- Half Day
Available Tuesday through Saturday. Contact Kenny directly if you have more than one person in your party.
Gabby Tattoo Services
- Half Day
Best for new projects that are larger than palm size or will take more than one session.
Sessions go from 12-4pm, or 4-8pm, typically 3-3 1/2 hours of tattooing.
Hourly rate: $120, flash designs priced at a flat rate.
If you would like to sit for a longer day session( 5-6 hours) please let me know via email and we can make that happen! Deposit will be $100 for a whole day session. - Two Hour Session
- 2 hour appointments are best for smaller, walk-in style tattoos such as small script, line work, or palm sized or smaller designs/flash tattoos.
- Consultation - $0
Consultations are for large scale work such as sleeve projects or tattoos that will take longer than one session. Following booking your consult please book your appointment in a timely matter, preferably no longer than 3 weeks out, if possible.
If you would like the consult to be virtual (FaceTime/Zoom) please email me at gmorganti.tattoos@gmail.com